An attractive advanced clean-tech application
Unique solution, utilizing existing proven technologies and existing infrastructure. Quick development and field installation
Huge market opportunity
Experience hands-on entrepreneur coupled with leading edge academic research
Wastewater sludge treatment is a known sore. Treating it requires dewatering, conditioning, storage, hauling and final disposal – all adds up to significant manpower, capital costs and operating expenses, it requires large equipment, supplies and chemicals. Disposal is especially problematic as landfills are costly and limited in capacity, incineration has its own staggering costs and complexities, and land – based disposal is running into resistance and regulatory issues. All these processes consume energy and provide no opportunity for renewable energy use. Everywhere you look things are becoming more and more difficult, complex and expensive when it comes to sludge.
Arrow system developed a solution which addresses the above issues as well as produces Emissions-free Energy (electricity and heat) and useable Raw Materials.
The solution revolves around installation of a solar powered processing facility on the premises of a waste disposal plant.
A solar power tower is built on an existing structure. The tower receives sunlight from sun-tracking mirrors (heliostats) which are positioned around it, utilizing unused or underutilized areas of the plant (open space or structures). The accumulated energy is directed towards a pyrolysis reactor. Wastewater sludge harvested from the plant and collected in storage tanks undergoes a gradual and successive initial drying phase. Once the sludge has dried, it is transferred to the pyrolysis reactor and undergoes pyrolysis and gasification (during which molecular chains are broken down). The end product is clean steam, emissions-free energy and raw materials.
The system is modular and can be adapted according to clients’ needs. Plants producing large quantities of sludge will require a large number of heliostats as opposed to plants producing smaller amounts. Sludge from various types of industries will be treated in a pyrolysis reactor and will produce different types of raw materials but will all produce energy.
The solar facilities will be targeted at existing infrastructure – roads, buildings, ponds and tanks – on which solar power towers and heliostats could be positioned. Leveraging these assets enable drastic reduction in establishment costs as well as simplification of licensing procedures.
Income will be generated from 3 sources:
Operating under pyrolitic conditions (temperatures up to 1200˚c), the facilities are emissions free, and produce their own energy requirements. Since sludge may be accumulated, its treatment does not require around the clock, continuous work which is aligned with sun availability. These systems, therefore, provide a reliable and comprehensive solution for solar energy plants.
Proper application of solar energy can make an important but problematic technology into one which is both economically feasible and available. The proposed application also addresses serious waste remnant issues, proposing its conversion into emissions-free, viable energy. The system is expected to be highly profitable without any governmental aid.
The solution is unique and innovative. It can be compared to solar electricity production technologies and to traditional sludge treatment plans.
A thermal solar system that treats sludge waste and transforms it to energy and raw material by harnessing the solar energy to chemically transform the waste.
The Arrow System represents a low cost, comprehensive solution that serves as an economic waste disposal alternative and provides a source of “green energy” and raw materials.
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