Mineral Oil, Fat Oil & Hazardous Wastewater Treatment & Recovery Plant

Current situation

Mineral & Vegetable oily wastewater including emulsions are considered extremely hard to purify.

They contain very high oil and solid loads which can be up to 100,000 mg/l of oil (10%) , up to 300,000 mg/l of solids (30%) and very high organic loads.

Waste is very viscous and dense and tend to clog all installations

Mineral Oil Treatment

Typical Sources  -Current situation


Metal cutting oil industry

Petrol stations

Oil – water separators

Food industry (dairies, meat, chicken slaughterhouses)

Petrochemical industry and mineral oil tank farms

Sea and air Ports

Institutional kitchens, hotels , restaurants


Hazardous Wastewater Treatment

Municipalities usually prevent these wastes from arriving to central  municipal wastewater treatment plants, mainly since they simply kill the bacteria in the existing biological plants , and thus – permanently  damage the plant.
These wastes usually arrive to the  treatment area by sewage trucks which contain from 5 to 20 m3 of waste.

In the source were they are taken from they may “sit” in a pit for up to several  months and therefore water content is deteriorating and oils and solids content are rising.

Industrial slodge servoces

Our Technological Concept

  • Waste Reception ponds:
  • We separate mineral & vegetable wastes and mix each pond to prevent sedimentation
  • These ponds are divided to truck reception and pretreatment zones
  • Wastes are immediately monitored with on line instrumentation and segregated accordingly
Waste reception Ponds
Waste reception Ponds
Vibrating screen– Separate the coarse solids
Vibrating screen– Separate the coarse solids
Solids from Decanter
Solids from Decanter
Heating process
Heating process
 Second stage centrifuge – Further Separates the oil from the water
  • At this stage – high purity oil is generated .The oil contains less than 1%of water.
  • Oil is stored and later sold to the industry
  • Selling prices are ranging from 30-50 Euro per m3 of oil.
Second Stage Separator
Second Stage Separator
Physical –Chemical process
Physical - Chemical process

Biological polishing process:

At this stage the load of COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand) is up to 5,000mg/l (we started at more than 100,000 mg/l), so we removed already around 95% of the COD !)

Oil level at this stage is around 10-50 mg/l and therefore poses no damage to the bacteria.

Still we need to further polish the COD level to less than 2,000 mg/l, which is required at the inlet of the municipal WWTP

The Biological process is based on SBR (Sequential Batch Reactor) and implements special bacteria and further reduce COD level to less than 2,000 mg/l

Biological polishing process

Chemical Summery Table (average levels in water):

After Biological Stage
After Physic-Chemical Stage
After Biological Stage
After Biological Stage
Incoming Mineral Oil WW
Incoming Vegetable Oil WW

Following our experience we propose to design & Build an Mineral Oil, Fat Oil & Hazardous Wastewater Treatment & Recovery Plant which is:

  • Profitable
  • Unique & Versatile
  • Green & Efficient
  • Robust yet Simple


Sludge lagoons water treatment plant

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